Sorry :c

I feel so bad for neglecting my blog for a loooooong time.. i'm so sorry for my broken promises...
but let me let you picture my situation.
university load... last year student, trying to do my best. i finish most of my classes at 7:30 pm. i come back and go straight to the gym. and.. when i'm free, i sleep and relax.. i've been too lazy. and now i know why! it's the weather! i need summer to come! i'm so bored, and i'm really bad with dressing up and styling myself when it's winter! just go to google images and type "Melbourne weather" it's sooooooo depressing at the moment, one moment it's sunny and bright, 20 minute later it's windy and raining. typical.

So now maybe you can excuse me? no? just a little bit? 
I've learnt my lesson, no promisses anymore! but i prom.. no no wait, but i'll TRY my best to post as much as i can! love you guys!!! if you are actually reading this, then you are my motivation!!


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