OOTN - accessories !

Mom finally texted me the name of the secret place lol !
if you don't know what i'm talking about; check out this post : Mom Finds! 
the name is : Poetic Licence - Brighton, United Kingdom

It's 12:45 AM atm, and im bored as usual, so heres a quickie :

I went to the Avenues with my two lovely sisters! the older is pregnant 7bebty , so she wanted to buy some baby supplies! aaaaaahhhhhhh we got many cute stuff! i want my own baby :c not fair!!!
*wai yumaa thunder* i think its getting stormy over here! anyways,, we dressed really quick as she surprised us with her call faj2a.. "yalla lebsaw ana maratkom now" - don't you just hate it when you only have 10 minutes to get dressed? o i was having my lunch b3d....!
bs i managed to take a photo of our accessories ! 

thats me right there! yay! 
Watch : Guess
Rings: Bunny glittery ring + ساره ring ( its a gift from my fiance and i always wear it;* )

 Armour Ring:  from SPORTS GIRL 
Coach scarf

my sister 
Scarf : LV leopard scarf
bag : LV, not sure which one , must be a speedy 
Bracelet : From a random boutique in Paris! i love it

o bas ;*****
link me your personal looks! 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:11 PM

    you indeed have the cutest blog on the block.. I love the Armor ring it's pure hotness ;)


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