44 days of Torture
its really awful and i hope ur 16+ , because it has so many sexual abuse and torture :(
On November 22, 1989:
Junko Furuta was a girl in Japan who was held captive in a house by four boys. There, she was raped countless times, then tortured to death in unimaginable and incomprehensible ways for 44 days. She was 16 years old.
This is one of the most notorious and worst cases of torture murder ever recorded in history. It is also one of the most horrifying and heartbreaking.
Exactly twenty years ago, a sixteen year-old girl was going through the most unimaginable pain, waiting for the endless suffering she was going through to end. For forty-four days, nobody helped her.
Boy A (then 18), Boy B (Jo Kamisaku, then 17; Kamisaku was a new family name he took after being released from prison [1]), Boy C (then 16) and Boy D (then 17) from Tokyo abducted and held Furuta, a second year high school (grade 11) student from Saitama Prefecture in Misato, for 44 days. They kept her captive in the house owned by the parents of Boy C.
To forestall a manhunt, Boy A coerced Furuta into calling her own parents and telling them that she had run away from home, but was with "a friend" and was not in danger. He also browbeat her into posing as one of the boys' girlfriends when the parents of the house where she was held were around, but when it became clear that the parents would not call the police, he dropped this pretext. Furuta tried to escape several times, begging the parents more than once to help her, but they did nothing, apparently out of fear that Boy A would hurt them. Boy A was at the time a low-level yakuza leader and had bragged that he could use his connections to kill anyone who interfered.
According to their statements at their trial, the four of them raped her, beat her, introduced foreign objects including an iron rod into her vagina, made her drink her own urine and was fed cockroaches, inserted fireworks into her anus, and set them off, forced Furuta to masturbate, cut her nipple with pliers, dropped dumbbells onto her stomach, and burned her with cigarettes and lighters. (One of the burnings was punishment for attempting to call the police.) At one point her injuries were so severe that according to one of the boys it took more than an hour for her to crawl downstairs to use the bathroom. They also related that "possibly a hundred different people" knew that Furuta had been imprisoned there, but it is not clear if this means they visited the house at different times while she was imprisoned there, or themselves either raped or abused her. When the boys refused to let her leave, she begged them on several occasions to "kill (her) and get it over with".
On January 4, 1989, using one of the boys' loss at mah-jongg as a pretext, the four beat her with an iron barbell, poured lighter fluid on her legs, arms, face and stomach, and set her on fire. She died later that day of shock. The four boys claimed that they were not aware of how badly injured she was, and that they believed she had been malingering.
The killers hid her corpse in an 55-gallon drum filled with cement; the perpetrators disposed the drum in a tract of reclaimed land in Koto, Tokyo.
Arrest and punishment
The boys were arrested and tried as adults; but, because of Japanese handling of crimes committed by juveniles, their identities were sealed by the court. However, a weekly magazine Shukan Bunshun reported their real names, claiming "Human rights aren't needed for brutes."[2] Furuta's real name and details about her personal life were reported exhaustively in the media. Kamisaku was judged as a sub leader, at least according to the official trial.
The four boys pled guilty to a reduced charge of "committing bodily injury that resulted in death", rather than murder. Boy A's parents sold their house for approximately 50 million yen and paid this as compensation to Furuta's family.[citation needed]
For his participation in the crime, Kamisaku served eight years in a juvenile prison before he was released, in August 1999. In July 2004, he was arrested for assaulting an acquaintance, whom he believed to be luring a girlfriend away from him, and allegedly bragged about his earlier infamy. [1] Kamisaku was sentenced to seven years in prison for the beating.
Junko's parents were dismayed by the sentences received by their daughter's killers, and enjoined a civil suit against the parents of the boy in whose home the crimes were committed. When some of the convictions were overturned on the basis of problematic physical evidence (the semen and pubic hair recovered from the body did not match those of the boys who were arrested), the lawyer handling the civil suit decided there was no case to be made and refused to represent them further. (There is speculation that the evidence may have been contaminated—for example, by unidentified persons who raped Furuta.
One of the most disturbing parts of this true story is that her killers are now free. After putting Junko Furuta through all that suffering, they are free men.
These horrifying things done to Junko Furuta had been collected through the Japanese court trial of the case, and blogs from 1989. They show the pain that Junko Furuta had to endure before she was finally dead. All this had happened to her while she was still alive. They are disturbing, but the truth.
All of this had happened.
DAY 1: November 22, 1988: Kidnapped
Kept captive in house, and posed as one of boy's girlfriend
Raped (over 400 times in total)
Forced to call her parents and tell them she had run away
Starved and malnutritioned
Fed cockroaches to eat and urine to drink
Forced to masturbate
Forced to strip in front of others
Burned with cigarette lighters
Foreign objects inserted into her vagina/anus
DAY 11: December 1, 1988: Severely beat up countless times
Face held against concrete ground and jumped on
Hands tied to ceiling and body used as a punching bag
Nose filled with so much blood that she can only breath through her mouth
Dumbbells dropped onto her stomach
Vomited when tried to drink water (her stomach couldn't accept it)
Tried to escape and punished by cigarette burning on arms
Flammable liquid poured on her feet and legs, then lit on fire
Bottle inserted into her anus, causing injury
DAY 20: December10, 1989: Unable to walk properly due to severe leg burns
Beat with bamboo sticks
Fireworks inserted into anus and lit
Hands smashed by weights and fingernails cracked
Beaten with golf club
Cigarettes inserted into vagina
Beaten with iron rods repeatedly
Winter; forced outside to sleep in balcony
Skewers of grilled chicken inserted into her vagina and anus, causing bleeding
DAY 30: Hot wax dripped onto face
Eyelids burned by cigarette lighter
Stabbed with sewing needles in chest area
Left nipple cut and destroyed with pliers
Hot light bulb inserted into her vagina
Heavy bleeding from vagina due to scissors insertion
Unable to urinate properly
Injuries were so severe that it took over an hour for her to crawl downstairs and use the bathroom
Eardrums severely damaged
Extreme reduced brain size
DAY 40: Begged her torturers to "kill her and get it over with"
January 1, 1989: Junko greets the New Years Day alone
Body mutilated
Unable to move from the ground
DAY 44: January 4, 1989: The four boys beat her mutilated body with an iron barbell, using a loss at the game of Mah-jongg as a pretext. She is profusely bleeding from her mouth and nose. They put a candle's flame to her face and eyes.
Then, lighter fluid was poured onto her legs, arms, face and stomach, and then lit on fire. This final torture lasted for a time of two hours.
Junko Furuta died later that day, in pain and alone. Nothing could compare 44 days of suffering she had to go through.
When her mother heard the news and details of what had happened to her daughter, she fainted. She had to undergo a psychiatric outpatient treatment . Imagine her endless pain.
Her killers are now free men. Justice was never served, not even after 20 years.
They deserve a punishment much greater than they had put upon Furuta, for putting an innocent girl through the most unbearable suffering.
Rest In Eternal Peace,
Junko Furuta
I want Johnny Carinos :(
omg i hate this feeling when u miss the taste of something so baaad! ive been trying to try many rest. here to find something like johnny carinos , but still no result :(

I'm so glad I'm evil...
girls... ;\
Moving Out .

Im Alive To Live.

2 years for zaina's tragic death anniversary ...
Brightin' up ur summer ;*

In Memory of the king !

He was great , i Loved him ! i wasnt a big fan , aint gonna lie just cuz now he's gone mraa wa7da el 3moom 9araw y7boona lol ! bs i can say inaa yes i liked him i was even a fan of his page be4 he dies.. anyways , like all of u i've been listening to michael's music recently, a lot of his music....unlike a lot of u though, i never wrote mike off, never thought he was a pedophile and still don't, and continued to be fascinated with him until the......'end'.
so what i'm noticing about his music, although it was like super-funky, it was also sorta.....weird....like, edgy and paranoid and sorta creepy and bizarre ;s ..like a dark carnival with bright lights at night on the side of some highway somewhere with freaks and animals and.....stuff u couldn't really see, but u knew was there!!!!
"..live and sin/10 years ago/on this day my heart was yearnin'/i promised i would never ever be returnin'/where my baby broke my heart/and left me yearnin'..."
"..there was sefra and sue/every girl that i knew/and my baby said love is through..."
Paranoia. Creepy. Brilliant. The images it evokes are of a place haunted by demonic women, running around hexing people..."Dirty Diana"..."Billie Jean", more sorta paranoid visions of women out to steal one's soul.......
Off the "Invincible" album..there's the last song, "Threatened", where mike says, "..you should feel threatened by me...", "Dangerous", "Thriller", "Bad", "Beat It", "Smooth Criminal", "Who Is It", these are all tunes where mike took us to places in the shadowy dark, far away from the glittery shiny "Heal The World" saccharine-sweet musical universe most people seemed to think mike lived.....
LOL im saying the dude was...scary, actually. Watch the "Black and White" video, homeboy, was ANGRY, sure, he was happy also, but he was wicked in that video!!!!!! and, almost everytime mike touched the stage, his persona was FAAAAAR from this happy, sweet, gentle soul people seemed to think he was..no man, mike was FAR FAR FAR more powerful and complex than most people can fathom.
If u can, go to youtube and find the "Ghost" video, which wasn't seen in the US quite so much. I mean, that video is genuinely a bit.....off. Ghouls and shape-shifting and paranormal effects and genuine macabre terror. Really really odd stuff. Watch it. Watch the break in the "Smooth Criminal" vid where mike lowers the brim of his hat and starts tapping his foot and screaming and distorting his body. I mean, seriously, wtf was homeboy doing? I'm not asking that in a NEGATIVE way at all, just asking in a sort of "i-think-i'm-a-normal-person" kind of way, the way a "normal" person would have wondered what the hell Leonardo Da Vinci was up to when he painted the sistine chapel, or the Wright Brothers, when they invented the fucking airplane, or Einstein when he came up with E=MC squared, or Thomas Edison when he came up with ELECTRIC LIGHT. U get me? Genius is always seen as weird or dangerous or...worse.
They burned witches at the stake.
They shot King, Lennon, Kennedy..
They burned mike in the media and absolutely assisted him in his descent into paranoia and psychological trauma-which ended with his DEATH. They should be held accountable as accomplices to murder.
They helped to destroy michael. And they did it on purpose.
Make no mistake, jealousy and misunderstanding CAN KILL YOU.
If u are sensitive and artistically gifted and YOU KNOW IT, u HAVE TO create your world, in order to keep your channel clear, in order to get what u need from the universe to create your creations, and more often than not, the world around u, including your friends, family, lovers, etc, will NOT UNDERSTAND, and u will be ALONE.
Michael was probably one of the most alone people on the planet. From being a child.
Can u imagine?
Guard yourself.
He whipped his audiences, burned them with his face and dance, singed them with his lightening quick abilities and attacked them with his energy. He was a FIGHTER through and through, like a well-trained cage-match fighter, and dared anyone to step into the ring with him. He spit fire and caused havoc and carried with him the power of planets and suns. He scorched the earth while he walked it.
He retaliated. He counter-punched. He was NOT a "turn the other cheek" person in any regard. He came out swinging EVERY time. He never gave up. His comeback concert was YET ANOTHER BLOW to his enemies, and at the same time a tender love note of 'thanks' to his millions of fans. He seemed to contain the power and agility and grace and temper and energy and compassion and love and talent and brilliance of an entire WORLD inside his "frail" body.
Did you see the video of him rehearsing before the show. Does he look "frail" to u????? Can U do NOW, at whatever age u are, what he was preparing to do at 50 years old?
Is this a 'weak' man? ;\
And if he was 'weak' as they say, then how could he have entered into a contract to do 50 shows? Even in his 'weakness', he was preparing to give the world what he knew the world wanted/needed from him. Even as a "sick" man, he was going to give the world what they were asking for. He was staging a comeback for LOVE and WONDER and JOY and DELIGHT and FRIENDSHIP and BELIEF and HOPE and PERFECTION and GRACE and DEPTH OF SOUL. What in today's world gives u these values? Anything at all?
Michael was going to give that to us all with those shows.
And in his death, he gave us those and more. The snuffing out of his physical frame was like a true earthly STAR exploded and rained down all those things and more all over the planet, so that EVERYONE could taste a piece of michael's flesh and essence. I don't care what u think, I know what I know, and I say it all the time, this is MY blog and I WRITE WHAT I WANT.
But he was somehow also capable of the most universal tenderness, he could sing and write songs that somehow did seem to heal the world...."Man In The Mirror", "The Lady In My Life", "I Can't Help It", "Never Can Say Goodbye", "I'll Be There", "I Just Can't Stop Loving You", "Heal The World", "We Are The World", "Gone Too Soon", "Childhood", "The Girl Is Mine", "Butterflies", I mean, the dude could melt wax with his voice and send hearts fluttering at will.
And make you dance. "BIllie Jean", "The Way You Make Me Feel", "You Rock My World", "Shake Your Body Down To The Ground", "ABC", "One More Chance", "Rock With You", "Off The Wall", "Dancing Machine", dude was the dancing-est motherf*cker there ever was, of this, there is no comparison.
These elements, plus the mystery, the records set and broken, the philanthropy, the command of the medium, the gentleness, the nostalgia, the pure happiness and joy people got from seeing him, these and more, are what set mike apart from the next best, other superstars like Madonna and Prince and Bruce Springsteen and George Michael and whomever else u can think of, Jay Z, Beyonce, Elton John, Paul McCartney/Beatles, Elvis, whomever, those people are all superior talents, I mean, HUGE, HUGE superstars, rich, famous, talented, but none of them are in the same league as michael. It is almost superhuman how much more talented than the GREATEST TALENTS ON EARTH michael jackson was. Weird how much of an effect his life had on people across the globe.
Truly supra-human. His life and effort are/were obviously about MUCH more than just music, his existence was a testimony to absolute greatness and power.
How do u explain people in kuwait and countries like India, Bahrain, Argentina, Cuba, places like those, who worshipped and loved and idolized michael?
The impact of michael is scarcely known. Truly. the effect this one mans life has had on planet earth is vastly underestimated.
We'll never really know, but we can say for sure that the planet would be a vastly different place without his existence.
So that's all I wanted to say.
Go listen to "Stranger In Moscow", better, if you can, watch the video, and u will see something mesmerizing :)
amaazing :)
That's it.
We'll always have Paris :)

The whole section of dialogue was:
Rick: Last night we said a great many things. You said I was to do the thinking for both of us. Well, I've done a lot of it since then, and it all adds up to one thing: you're getting on that plane with Victor where you belong.
Ilsa: But, Richard, no, I... I...
Rick: Now, you've got to listen to me! You have any idea what you'd have to look forward to if you stayed here? Nine chances out of ten, we'd both wind up in a concentration camp. Isn't that true, Louie?
Captain : I'm afraid Major Strasser would insist.
Ilsa: You're saying this only to make me go.
Rick: I'm saying it because it's true. Inside of us, we both know you belong with Victor. You're part of his work, the thing that keeps him going. If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life.
Ilsa: But what about us?
Rick: We'll always have Paris. We didn't have, we, we lost it until you came to Casablanca. We got it back last night.
Ilsa: When I said I would never leave you.
Rick: And you never will. But I've got a job to do, too. Where I'm going, you can't follow. What I've got to do, you can't be any part of. Ilsa, I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand that. Now, now... Here's looking at you kid.
one of the best romantic dialogue in a movie ;( !

So here I am

Take them shoes off your teeth
and quit running your mouth!!
Dreams to become True...soon

i also need some wasabi in my system !!! lol missing Green vally Salad ! *drools* hmmm but more exciting : im ABOUT to get a NOSE JOB !!! heeeyaaa madry if u are with or against cosmetic surgeries , bs i think every girl should keep her self pretty and sexy ... try her best to shine thru the crowd :) so i think this nose job will INCREASE (too much economy) the beautifulness in meee so inshallah 16 July is the day ... im just hoping everything go the way it should beee !
everything is almost perfect here , locals hates the unpredictable weather but to us heheh what the hell? we enjoy it !!
you wake up , you see people , all nationalities ! from Australia , Ireland , Britain , china , japan , India , Greece , Lebanon , middle east , everythinnnnnnng !
you walk around 8 or 9 am or maybe 10 and all you smell is coffee ! beautiful smell of coffee mixed along with the fresh breeze coming from the yarra river .
you look to your left , you see everything you need ! you turn and look to your right and you see more and more of stuff you neeed ;$ . YES shopping here is amazing !! sorry you say london? i say HELL NO! melbourne,melbourne,melbouuuuurne!!
night life- FREAKING GOOD!! so yes if you are looking for fun . defenitly its a place to be.
never the lesssssssss ! the year is full with festivels . like how many ? 7,8,10?
comedy festival , food and wine , music bla bla ... there are just so many of them out here!
Uni life- ahhh so RMIT is my uni .. its amazing .. seriously the best ! i love it .. its 3 min away from my apartment . surrounded by shops , cafes and malls. and the studying environment ? fun fun fun ! yes. F-U-N !
teachers are amazing , nothing to copmare with the ones i had in KU , they were so cocky and blunt . but here they are full of energy and funny . uh except for lococo the legal studies teacher . he's boring .
so in general , im having the time of my life here , im just wishing that my sis was here with me :) we would have a blaaaaaaaaast .
some photos of the city <3
please read alfate7a on his soul.
و اعف عنه و أكرم نزله ، ووسع
مدخله و أغسله بالماء و الثلج
و البرد ، و نقه من الخطاياكما
ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس
، وأبدله دارا خيرا من داره ، وأهل
ا خيرا من أهله ، وزوجا خيرا من
زوجه و أدخله الجنه و أعذه من عذاب القبر
اللهم ابدله دارا خيرا من داره واهلا خيرا من اهله وادخله الجنة واعذه من عذاب القبر ومن عذاب النار .
اللـهـم إن كان محسناً فزد من حسناته , وإن كان مسيئاً فتجاوز عن سيئاته .
اللـهـم ادخله الجنة من غير مناقشة حساب ولا سابقة عذاب .
اللـهـم اّنسه في وحدته وفي وحشته وفي غربته
and as im writing this , today should be zaina's birthday ...
i miss you guys :(
الفاتحه على روح المرحوم بــــدر شعـــبان و على ارواح جميع المؤمنين و المؤمنات في مشارق الاض و مغاربها
{{{ بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ (1) الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ (2) الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ (3) مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ (4) إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ (5) اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ (6) صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ{{{
اللهم اغفر لبدر حتى لا يبقى من المغفرة شيء
اللهم ارحم بدر حتى لا يبقى من الرحمة شيء
- اللهم ارض عن بدر حتى لا يبقى من الرضا شيء
لا تنسونه بالدعاء
الله يرحمك بدر