I am born to live , and i love to live it off the edge , Im a daredevil at heart .. sometimes i wish to live in africa or close to the woods .. i cant imagine how amazing its to face the nature everyday , standard travel activities like hiking, surfing, diving are fun but not what i really love.

so i searched the net .. i wanted to build more thoughts inside my risky mind .
ever heard
of zorbing? mmm maybe you have seen this
on tv before , all that’s really needed is a gently sloping hillside (or man-made ramp) and the zorb itself – a ball made of flexible plastic with a smaller round chamber inside. Water is often added to help riders stay stationary as the ball rolls around them. Zorbers climb in and the ball is pushed down the rill, rolling for about a half mile until it comes to rest and the rider climbs out, exhilarated, disoriented and often more than a little dizzy , lol fun isnt ?
i heard its famous in newzeland , so i guess i have a chance of 80% to find that in Australia . hopefully . I'd let you know readers once i try that :)

Another thing id love to try and do is "Diving with great white sharks" and yes they do that in South Australia , one of the world's best spots for such activity ! lol i just told my mom that im gona do it soon and all i heard was screaming :p
Actually its not like im gona swim with the sharks ! its called Cage diving . you dont even have to get the qualification of a diver to be taken down under . i read that it cost 490$ AUD. which approximate costs 100 KD .climb into a cage, descend below the surface, and wait. Though there’s no guarantee you’ll see a Great White, most companies do report high success rates for sightings. Struggle to control your racing heart (studies show Great Whites react to faster heartbeats) as the sharks circle closely around the cage, and try not to contemplate the damage these 20-feet, 4,000 pound predators can do with a single bite.

Something else "kitesurfing" or kiteboarding! i think this is more common , i do see some Kuwaiti guys with photos of them kiteboarding ..Kitesurfing can be done at any beach where there is a strong and reliable wind, though many public beach areas have banned the sport due to safety and traffic concerns. I really cant wait to try that .

off the beach a little , what do you think about Free-climb??? its when you flaunt the law of gravity as you climb rocks and mountains using only your hands and feet to climb without the aid of ropes, pulleys or picks. Most free-climbers still use safety ropes as a precaution, but some daredevils go without (known as free-soloing). amazing aight?
The urban version of mountain climbing is bridge climbing, isn’t the most strenuous activity but it can still be an exciting challenge, especially if you have a fear of heights. There are only a few places in the world where you can (legally) scale a bridge. The Sydney Harbour Bridge is one of them.
What else do you really wanna try ?? let me know !!!
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