
photo by: Ragstatic

 Can't tell you how awesome it is to finally be free from too much stress over the past weeks 
 Now? my stress is relieved i have finished my finals! i don't care how bad i did ... yes they were difficult even though i studied hard, but all i know for sure is that i finished semester 1! So excited! yaay!

Lately, i can’t seem to stop worrying about everything in my life, especially about stuff I can’t prevent or change.
I really need to learn how to switch off and just enjoy life .Even on my days off i am always planning for the future instead of enjoying the moment .. Walllaah There’s no reason for me to always get stressed, but I do. It’s in my system and it’s making me sick. The smallest thing can turn my stomach into a tight knot and my head spinning around feeling tired.. guess I need to relax, get that stress out of my system:)!!

So what i really love to do to is playing Piano! I feel pure happiness on piano.. feel so good I want to play forever! when i play i get this feeling that I want to grow up to be a piano teacher and to make other people feel happy!  Piano playing is excellent therapy for the stress of life. Many professional people come home from a hard days work and relax by expressing their emotions on the keyboard. Play a few dark and angry chords, and you’ll be surprised how much better you feel!
omg chny wayed t7achait? anyways i was sayin'.. it would be cool to spend some relaxing time doing something you really enjoy! ALONE! its a therapy, for the mind and the body too.
Other things could be: Painting , Yoga, Jogging, Reading... inaa you live the moment, doing something for yourself and feel good about it!! try it;**

Inshallah i will be back to playing piano soon. I know you will assume i have nothing to do now, but actually my mom is coming in 2 days!! Im so excited cause i really miss mamaty and i cant wait to see her, hug her , kiss her and never let her gooooooo! so yeah! I'll be spending the month with mommy.

Enjoy Your Holidays;*

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