Food Post!

hey everyone ! do you guys know shoko bons ?

 i don't why its discontinued in Australia (Melbourne) , maybe its not , but i have never seen it before anywhere .. i tried every supermarket\ convenience store.. still no sign of i told my mama to buy me some and she did , she brought some with her ! im the happiest ! im eating some now as im typing :p 

anyways , i decided to take a break from fashion posts. i seriously cant! its in my blood lol, so ill post a recipe post and ill talk b3d about the latest fashion and what i got for my GOLD COAST trip! im so excited we're going cuz the weather there is much warmer and prettier , i love the sun so much and i miss it so bad ;( ! we already booked the flights tickets and the accommodation. we are gonna stay in a very nice spot, close to all the attractions and the surfer paradise boulevard! interesting yeah? i really cant wait, its going to be fun... i really wish my sisters and my baby are here with me:( , gosh i miss the surfer paradise! do you think its surfing season? im sure its gonna be chilly at night but i dont know about the morning times. i heard its sunny! my friend who works at the beauty clinic told me that they went last week and it was HOT! i even saw her photos she posted on facebook and she was wearing summery dresses and sleeveless tops! haha how exciting! 
oh snap :p enough talk already! lol i wonder do you guys even care??
so yup! back to my cooking recipe , its a finger food kinda dish , very simple and easy yet so yummi! you will need a tomato , a giant mushroom (or diced if you like) , cheese ( lots of cheese ) and milk! i also added some herbs , i dont remember what were they ,,, 
so heres : 

this is step 1 
make sure its cooked ... i myself dont like the raw mushrooms , never tried eating raw mushrooms ugh!

Step 2

tomato is cooking on low fire :D 

Step 3 
adding the cheese !  i used melted (spread) Kraft and cheddar cheese

then i added little bit of Milk so its not too thick , and the herbs i told you about !

Step 4 ! 

place the Giant Mushroom in the middle of the dish and pour the cheese and tomato sauce all over! its amazing you will love the taste ! enjoy your dish :)

i hope you like this post !

but before i press (PUBLISH POST) i really need to tell you guys about the upcoming and latest trend! cuz im not selfish lol ... so here it is ..

Tribals Tribals Tribals ! 

so if you wanted to get a tribal tattoo :p go ahead ! not an old fashion anymore
the tribal trend is one of the big summer trends this summer
dont you love it ? 
ahh i feel relieved for talking fashion lol 

Thanks for Viewing!
luv yew..

ps: sorry i didnt talk about what i got for my coming trip.. im tired! maybe for the next post .. im sure ill buy some more stuff... so thats even better .. seeya

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