Longer hair in no time! growth! viviscal

I've Got Mail!!!! 

 I'm sohappy to finally get my shipment from NY!! it's the Viviscal hair nutriton program! 
Viviscal is sold by Lifes2good a company that markets many health and beauty products.
i had long hair but the ends were pretty damaged so i decided to trim it! the trim turned into a cut! and now my hair is shorter and i miss my long hair!! i have been caring for my hair a lot lately and i cant wait to see more results to share with you guys! 
 so thats the packaging 
60 tablets 

some information in the back

and this is how they look like, pretty small and nude

Viviscal has the following ingredients according to the product website (ViviScal.com)

  • AminoMar C™ Marine Complex
  •  Horsetail Extract
  •  Vitamin C

It is proven that Viviscal works, so as a reminder for you:
1. hair follicles get nourished in the best way possible
2. you will have much stronger hair and the regrowth of weak hair gets promoted
3. the result is strong and healthy hair

i will post soon about my new hair routine and all the other products i've been using, and in 2 months i will update you with the progress! please do share your personal tips and tricks! much love xx 


  1. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Hi Sara,
    first of all congratulations for the new blog, I'm a fan from Dubai <3
    a quick Q. is it good for damaged hair as well?
    plzz I want the website


  2. thank you reem!

    this is the website www.viviscal.com it says : Viviscal® Hair Loss Treatments for Damaged & Thinning Hair!
    so yes it is mainly designed for damaged or thin hair! *Hi5*

    but here's a tip!! i got mine for 30% cheaper off ebay , here http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/320641520619?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649

    goodluck!!! check out my future post on my hair update! you will be amazed! i cant believe it myself! hint: DRINK WATER! LOTS OF WATER! helped my hair a lot


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