okay, so as you can see, none of these are body creams yet, and let me confess here,, the Vasline.. i used to hate it!! hate hate hate! madri laish bs i would never purchase it cuz it used to remind me of our housemade? lol im not racist or something bs ena lo3aa, u know what i mean? madri chi a7s mal fuqir lol . bs the only reason i bought it (Today) was ina one of my favourite youtube gurus said that she applies it on her lips and rub it with a toothbrush y3ni massage it as u like and it keeps her lips really really soft and pretty! so i decided to buy this tiny size for my purse! actually i have the product on now as im typing and gosh its amazing, sej soft, nice feeling!
my other product that i use for my lips is the Chapstick (right) lol its half torn bs its a strawberry lip balm, very tiny and cheap and for everyday use! kilaa i use it awal ma ag3d ay mkan, so addictive i tell u lol.
the last product from the pic above is the Bio-Oil ! ok so this is magic! i bought it from the pharmacy cuz i had this annoying ugly scar from my surface piercing that i had on my wrist!! There's kind of a hype surrounding Bio Oil. It's supposed to be a miracle oil for scars, stretch marks (striae) and other skin problems Its advanced formulation, which contains the breakthrough ingredient PurCellin Oil, also makes it highly effective for numerous other skin concerns, including aging skin and dehydrated skin. Bio Oil is formulated with the following all-natural ingredients: Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Calendula Oil, Lavender Oil, Rosemary Oil and Chamomile Oil. Bio Oil is a non-comedogenic (acnegenic), hypo-allergenic product that is suitable for use by individuals with sensitive skin.
so my dear readers i highly recommend it for you!
Again , this is typical .. probably 90% of all girls reading this now has one of these! lol
baby oil smells good o its fast to apply , im personally not a huge fan because ma a7b how sticky it gets o its OIL y3ni! bs its nice after all and soothing , o 6b3an its mostly used for tan purposes lol
bs the Johnson's Extra Rich body lotion is way better, its very moisturising and you can feel it for hours, i love to apply it on my legs after i get out of my shower directly.
Alright, now this is something amazing !!!! PALMER'S ! ok so if you are cool you would know what PALMER'S is! haha yup yup a7la skin products! you cant find that at your regular coop honey, so go check boots or a drug store o 6b3an online. when i bought that 3bali it just give you a bronze shimmery look, bs apparently it gives u a TAN!
So its called Natural Bronze and its under the Cocoa Butter Formula from Palmer's, it has a special combination of pure Cocoa Butter and Vitamin E, its the perfect way to keep your skin beautiful and healthy with a natural-looking glow. With just a touch of self tanner, Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Natural Bronze creates a delicate, sun-kissed, summer glow all year long. Gradually builds a subtle tan within a few days, while deeply moisturizing your skin. From fair to medium to dark! i absolutely L.O.V.E it , its pricy here shwai bs worth it;*****
Yup thats a pregnant woman right there lol so it was made specailly for pregnent women to use it during their pregrency time to reduce strech marks, bs who cares ! i bought that today! always knt a6l3aa on the shelf o a7s im weird to think i should buy it, i dont even have stretch marks like only tiny ones shwai you can hardly notice them! la o b3d after my laser hair removal treatment they are almost gone y3ni bs i bough it anyways! yay me :p
So This Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks helps improve the appearance of stretch marks with a special combination of COCOA BUTTER, VITAMIN E, COLLAGEN, ELASTIN, and SHEA BUTTER. It lubricates the skin to help it retain its natural moisture. This non-greasy all over the body lotion relieves the dryness associated with stretched skin due to pregnancy and smoothes stretch marks due to weight loss. i didnt use it yet bs i will start from tonight and i will update you with the results my lovers.
Maynona saa7 ? :p YES ladies i got that today b3d! Vaseline New Cocoa butter Deeeeeep conditioning body lotion! this is beautiful! smells amazing i cant help but smelling my hand (mkan eli i tested it) o i think this is effective cuz wayed shft d3ayat 3anna o shakla strong. o i just checked it has many reviews on youtube omg now im even more happy! it says Vaseline Smoothing Body Butter with Cocoa and Shea Butters is a moisutre infusion. With rich cocoa butter and pure shea butter, it melts into skin and smoothes away dullness, for a deep down glow. exciting! o my friend b3d said its very good and sexy;p hmm double line sexy ;) ! so yup im using it and shaklii i will keeep buying it 7ta when it runs out of product :D lol it smells like cakes wallah not coca butter a7s chi cupcakes! yummii wallah try it BUY it yohooo wallah buy it i love it already!
CETAPHIL , i got this for 17$ its huge, 500 mL , i really love this moisturiser so much! you can use this on your body and your face as well
i had to review this in the end because its the best ! your skin wont have breakouts wallah! plz try it and let me know, im super happy so far with this product its very amazing wallah, ynf3 ag acne o 7g breakouts o pores and all that.. y3ni its medical b3d bs u can barely feel anything on your face.if you have a very very sentitive skin then this is for you too! there are so many reviews online you can check them by yourself just google Cetaphil and read them. i dare you not to love it;)

So that was my review for my recent obsession, i hope this was useful and i really hope you enjoyed it! i'll keep you updated ! thanks for reading;*****
Sarah x
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